Heir to the Throne
We have all witnessed Microsoft's (MSFT)
rise to power and watched them rule theworld of operating systems for over a decade.
It began with the release of Windows '95 OS which, at the time, was the be all and end all of operating systems and was quickly adopted as the standard for personal computers. Then came Windows '98 and Windows XP. Now a new generation of Windows operating systems has been born: Windows Vista.
Is Windows Vista superior to all others? The answer simply put is... no. Yet millions are confident that it will bypass all others and once again assume its role as the "standard" OS despite its relative inferiority to others. In reading other blogs and business news websites I feel that it is safe to say that the general consensus is that Vista only offers a few new and unique options and is extremely similar to its predecessor, Windows XP, excluding its aesthetics appearance.
Bluntly put, I am not here to write a research report about Vista, rather I am here to give my unique perspective on Windows and its future in the realm of operating systems. Based upon my research of Microsoft's newest member, not my own personal experience with it, I believe that Microsoft's realm will endure until another operating system can provide a quality far superior to that of the Windows operating systems and a usability which is significantly more user friendly. Until then, the world of technology and consumers alike will continue to set Windows operating systems as their default.
Why don't you experience Vista yourself and not rely on what other "bloggers" have to say? It's like saying I won't buy a car from Chevrolet because some guy said Chevrolet is the worst brand on his blog. It's all about trying something out and getting to know the product.
Good point, I'm sure I will get to know the product in the near future because I have always used Windows. When I do, I'll let you know how it is. And I was bashing the product, I was just saying that it might not be the best product on the market.
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