Friday, April 13, 2007

Ready to make history?

Tomorrow, on April 14th, I will be in Ann Arbor, MI in conjunction with the University of Michigan to "assimilate" during the nationwide Step It Up 2007 campaign. Start by Bill McKibben of Burlington, Vermont, Step It Up 2007 will hold over 1,300 sites filled with people urging Congress to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by the year 2050. According to the word on the street, Step It Up promises to be the single largest global warming urgency rally since Earth Day in 1970. The campaign has even been featured by BusinessWeek.

Over the last year, global warming has become an issue dear to my heart, and I wish to make considerable energies towards alleviating this problem. In addition to Al Gore's incredible efforts, John Doerr has really convinced that global warming must become apart of our social and environmental conscious. Not to mention that global warming = green business = lots of green.

On another green-related note, here are some awesome sites that I have visited, plenty of times. I've even subscribed to some of their podcasts:

So, check out the site, see were the closet Step-It-Up locations is from you, get there, and do the earth some good. You'll be glad you did it!